Product Description
Autumn has come to the woods, and Bear doesn't feel well. He sniffles and sneezes. He cannot sleep. He aches all over. Worst of all, he's feeling too poorly to play with his friends. How Bear's good friends take care of him with herbal tea and lullabies until he begins to FEEL BETTER is the heart of this loving story that will be familiar to any little one who has ever had the sniffles.
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Author Karma Wilson
Binding Board Book
Language English
Book Type Fiction
Grade Content PK
Lexile 390
Subject Sick, Animals, Rhyme
GELDS Standard ( Primary Correlated Standard SED5.4d Shows emerging empathy and understanding of peers by attempting to comfort and help.
A) Other Standards That Can Be Covered With This Book SED5.4a Develops and maintains friendships with other children.
B) Other Standards That Can Be Covered With This Book APL5.4a Willingly joins in sustained, cooperative play and learning with others to complete a task.
C) Other Standards That Can Be Covered With This Book CLL5.4d Makes real-world connections between stories and real-life experiences.
Copyright 2012