Product Description
When a one-class-at-a-time approach can't address a pervasive discipline problem, you need this book to implement a schoolwide solution. The authors of The Educator's Guide to Preventing and Solving Discipline Problems provide you with a research-based model to help your school * Build positive relationships with students * Define parameters for acceptable student behavior * Monitor the parameters for acceptable student behavior * Develop effective consequences when problems occur To ensure your plan is a success, the book provides lots of helpful tools, including: * Strategies for addressing philosophical differences about discipline and creating a shared vision * Self-assessments that help teachers and schools target their strengths and weaknesses * Interview and observation forms for getting feedback on discipline issues * Classroom and building wide action plans for implementing your solutions and dealing with especially challenging situationsProduct Videos
Author Mark Boynton
Binding Paperback
Language English
Book Type Professional
Subject Discipline
Copyright 2008