Product Description
The author recalls the year when his farm worker parents settled down in the city so that he could go to school for the first time. Jaunito is bewildered by the new school and misses the warmth of country life. Everything he does feels upside down, and his tongue feels like a rock when he speaks English. But his sensitive teacher and loving family help him find his voice through poetry, art, and music.Product Videos
Author Juan Herrera
Binding Paperback
Language English / Spanish
Book Type Fiction
Grade Content PK
Lexile 450
Subject American Poets, Mexican American Poets, Bilingual, Childhood and Youth
GELDS Standard ( Primary Correlated Standard SED4.4a Transitions well into new and unfamiliar settings.
A) Other Standards That Can Be Covered With This Book SED1.4a Identifies as a unique member of a specific group or demographic that fits into a larger world picture.
B) Other Standards That Can Be Covered With This Book SED1.4b Identifies personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts, and feelings.
C) Other Standards That Can Be Covered With This Book SED5.4d Shows emerging empathy and understanding of peers by attempting to comfort and help.
Curator of Booklist (Book Source) Creative Curriculum
Copyright 2006