Quick view Street Pharma by Jessica Wilkins Prescription and over-the-counter medications are the most commonly abused drugs by high school students after marijuana. One in five young people abuses prescription medscotton, rits, beans, tuss, and bricksstreet names for these non-street drugs... View Details
Quick view Marijuana by Troon Harrison Adams Theres no denying that marijuana use is prevalent among todays youthand it has grown increasingly acceptable in popular culture. This informative and useful book for kids examines drug use and abuse. Topics of interest include the history of marijuana... View Details
Quick view Inhalants and Solvents by Jon Eben Field A recent survey on drug use recorded 729,000 youths 12 years of age or older who had used inhalants and solvents for the first time within the past year. These substances, along with prescription and over-the-counter medications, can be found in almost... View Details
Quick view Crystal Meth by Carrie L Iorizzo Crystal meth is more addictive than heroin or cocaine and is widely available on the streets of North America. This helpful book looks at the use and abuse of meth, an inexpensive and accessible drug that takes an unbelievable toll on the bodies and... View Details
Quick view Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison Robison delivers a moving, darkly funny memoir of growing up with Asperger's at a time when the diagnosis simply didn't exist. A born storyteller, Robison takes readers inside the head of a boy whom teachers and other adults regarded as defective. View Details
Quick view Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin Author and photographer Susan Kuklin met and interviewed six transgender or gender-neutral young adults and used her considerable skills to represent them thoughtfully and respectfully before, during, and after their personal acknowledgment of gender... View Details
Quick view Stop Pretending: What Happened When My Big Sister Went Crazy by Sonya Sones Based on award-winning author Sonya Sones s own true story, this novel explores the chilling landscape of mental illness, revealing glimmers of beauty and of hope along the way. Told in a succession of short and powerful poems, it takes us deep into the... View Details